Wednesday, January 30, 2019

REAL LIFE POKEMANS! (Found in 'drafts' on 30/1/2019)


LOOKITSAFUKIN REAL LIFE DODUO [pokemon card pic below for refrence.]


but seriously though. At first glance it's shocking isn't it. Saw it out the window through a small slit between my window grid/fence/whatever as I was lazing around on the chair. Kinda startled me. And the thing is, it was moving. Creepy. Well I guess most of you know what that might be, but for those who don't here's the full picture:

Anyways, more creepy real life stuff :
(For those who played Half-Life)
OMGOSHITSAFUKIN HEADCRABB!! [reference picture below (3rd and 4th)]

Well I won't tell you what the hell is that yet. Let's see how many of you would know.

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