Saturday, December 29, 2007

Not Emo

Here's a lil something I ended up drawing cause i was bored. Inspiration came from the emo people I've seen in UK. Though there weren't many. It was too cold for them to show themselves. Cheers.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Another drawing I made. Just a lil something before i leave to UK tomorrow. or rather a lil later today. I didn't really like this so I didnt make him a member of Black Butterfly. But since i took time doing this, so i though i should at least finish him up.

Skully. A-class stormrider.

Well i think the legs are a lil too thin. I like the mask.

well thats all then ill be going to bed and waking up few hours later to catch a plane. Ill be back on the 26th. Till then.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Black Butterfly : Yoko

My first post of my drawing. I'm a little rusty now. It could be better but im really lazy to change after putting so much effort. so here :

So before I rant about it. I'll give a lil background about the drawing.

After watching a few episodes of 'AirGear'. I got some inspiration thus I decided to make my own group and the characters. [if you watch AirGear then u should understand a lil better] Thus the group I came out is "BlackButterfly." This girl's name is Yoko, a B-class Stormrider [erm. stormrider are what they call people with the roller blades.] I won't go into detail like family, favourite food and so on so forth.

Now i will start my ranting, making up excuses and comments on my own.

First I would like to say is, yes yes I know the legs are too thin or rather too small for the body. But it looks okay on paper. HONEST! and yes the details might be too small and blur. but like before. it looks better on paper.. And I've got comments saying the 2nd belt hanging looks like a bicycle tyre. So before anyone give anymore comments on that, I'm telling you first. Its not. I also have comments on me putting too much belt-like accessories on the character. Well personality, I think belts are cool. But yes it is strange to see some guy walking in the mall with belts covering his either body. And for this character, there are some belts here and there, well I have the perfect reason[excuse] on why I intend to do that. Well cause they will be flying everywhere with those skates, one must fully secure their clothings before they fly off :] And I know some people will go, [I get this alot] "WHERE'S THE NOSE!?!?!?" well. its my style. I don't draw noses. I don't like them. So there! Ok so, things I am proud of : THE BLACK BUTTERFLY LOGO IS SO COOL! but extremely hard to draw, the Yoko tattoo, the jeans desgin [notice it shows the bare skin near the... upper thighs.], the Yoko flame sticker on the jeans and as well on the tyre of the roller blades and the sunglasses [though I wanted it to have more of a "see-through" effect, well at least it came out ok.] Things that im not that proud of : the legs, the "69" tattoo, the right hand [HER right hand.] and the cross on the chain.

Initially, I wanted a more complex pose which exposes her rear, but it was too hard for me as I am just recovering my drawing skills. I also wanted to add alot of badges on her sweater/jeans but I forgot and didn't bothered doing it in the end. [badges from other groups. cause like in the show. if you win, you get their emblem. Thus showing Yoko won alot. Thus showing Yoko is PRO.] and before "Black Butterfly" there were some runner-up group names like "Dogs" and "Spades." But I think Black Butterfly ain't that bad. It fits too. And I wanted to have a more.. how you say.. Funky Street type of emblem. The original draft was like this :

Of course it will be done a lil better if I was really gonna put it in. Give your comments.

Yup that's all i guess. More to come! [oh and if anyone of you is thinking of me coloring it.. i guess not. kinda lazy. but if i feel like it I'll do a colored art. maybe. we'll see.]"

Monday, December 3, 2007

Fun with Camera.

The camera just came back from repairs. I was suppose to test the camera to see if its working or not. Thus, i took some snapshots of some stuff.

^This is my desktop. For those who never seen it before. Asus 19" LCD monitor. Altec Lansing Speakers (forgotten model, the woofer is AWESOME). and some wireless logitech mouse. My keyboard is waayy.. down there with a Tablet PC behind it. and a Pleomax webcam behind the monitor if u can see it. erm. and the nodding dude.

^This is the NEW scanner which I bought TODAY. Canon CanoScan LIDE 70 :D

^This is the dude that Grace bought for me (Thanks again!) It NODS! :D:D:D