Friday, June 26, 2009

LhG :]

Found a cool site. Though I should share.
aM laboratory

Here's my code:

Just paste this in the grid columns. You can make your own music, right click to copy and paste it anywhere for others to hear it as well. Have a nice day.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Holiday Achievements Pt.1

Surprise? Well you best be! If it weren't for some individuals out there, this place would still be collecting (cyber)dust! So please give them a big thank you! [pfft.] As most of you may know, I was busy with some school work and recently, exams but that's not my reason for not posting. My excuse is that there isn't anything interesting happening lately. I really don't get how you daily bloggers do it. Such madness! Alright that's all. See ya next hols!

What? Didn't you just ask for AN update? Well I'm here to tell you that I'm
still alive. But obviously you want more. You all sure are greedy bastards. However, because of your kind morale support I thought I should do something in return. So, I'm here to tell you on my progress during the (almost) 1 week of hols. And I thought of a cool way to present it too! [obviously cause I'm lazy to type passages and I'm sure you'd be too lazy to read it anyways or busy trying to pick out my garammatical and sppeling errors.]

Thus, I present you, Holiday Achievements PART ONE :
[for those who are a lil unfamiliar with achievements, if the achievement is grayed out, that means I've yet to unlock it.]

For those who are rather curious of what headphones I bought. Here's a hint :

Yup, Razer Piranha. Why I needed it? For the lulz.

Well, see you all next week! Hopefully.