Sunday, September 7, 2008


Alright. Its been sometime I've posted anything about my drawings. Here's a new one. or rather. kinda old. or more precisely 10th of august [checked the timestamp on the picture file]

This drawings is actually [believe it or not] based on a real person I saw in the LRT train long time ago. The panda jacket gave me a sudden burst of inspiration. Went home and started drawing. Only thing I added was the tattoo. and possibly the wrong phone model.

Alright if your wondering the coloring is a lil crap, as you can see, no shading and such. Coloring took around 5 mins or so. Its just so that its easier for one to see instead of messy-ness [as you know my drawings are very messy.] however this one is one of my neatest ones. Heres the uncolored one [thats alot of "one"s]:That's all for now. Cheers.

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