Saturday, December 20, 2008

Color Test

Can't be sure if there's anyone that still visits here. Posting anyways.

This is actually the first time I had drawn an animu properly (well, tried.) on pc straight with my wacom pc tablet. As you may know, I've always sketched on paper and scan and publish. Not only I've drawn straight in the computer, but also colored it! *shock* yea. yea. I know. It aint the best around the interweb, well at least I've tried.

It's damn hard to draw straight in the pc. And this is only A HEAD! I don't know how those guys do it.. Maybe theirs are the pro-er wacom tablets, mine's the basic one. Maybe.

Oh well. Cheers.
PS: I don't give a damn about proportions in this, so stop bugging me.
PPS: For those who visited here because I've put my personal message in MSN : "NSFW Content". Well thank you for visiting and YOU JUST LOST THE GAME. tq :]
PPPS: For those who just lost the game, still unsure of what happened? Here's something to enlighten your mind.

Oh btw, just for the lulz, how many people here (not like I'm implying there's something reading this) actually use "Color" instead of "Colour"? Raise of hands?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

As promised, another drawing. Seriously, I need to start drawing more frequently, gettin rusty. Made alot of major mistakes during the process. Well it's done now!

The head is whacked. I know. Ignore it. Had problems with it. Oh, and don't bother about the sword as well, got lazy to draw it after so many failed attempts on the head.
Don't mean to brag, but the rest is pretty ok, I must say. Well if you think otherwise, feel free to criticize CONSTRUCTIVELY.

Oh her name's Rai anywayz. Yes, a random name for absolutely no reason.

Attached a sketch drawing of it as well, so it's easier to see the character, knowing the left hand is a lil messy with her sleeve and tie and all.

Oh and something else, just for the lulz of it :

You will take over Malaysia using only one hundred monkeys sitting at one hundred typewriters

Take this quiz at